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What is dev2ops?

As the name suggests, dev2ops is anything to do with driving application changes from the development world to the operations world in organizations that build and operate software as a service. It's an area that gets little coverage, yet is critcal to the stability and efficiency of many a company.

We created this blog to give a home to discussion about the problems the we, as an industry, face in the dev2ops trenches every day.

We'll feature commentary, technical discussion, and interviews are regularly as possible.


Who are the permanent dev2ops bloggers?

Alex Honor (alex at dtosolutions dot com) - Founder of the ControlTier open source automation project and Consultant at DTO Solutions
Show all posts by Alex Honor 


Damon Edwards (damon at dtosolutions dot com) - President at DTO Solutions (a consulting group focused on automated infrastructure and IT process improvement)
Show all posts by Damon Edwards 


Lee Thompson (thompson at dtosolutions dot com) - Consulting Architect at DTO Solutions (a consulting group focused on automated infrastructure and IT process improvement)
Show all posts by Lee Thompson